Image shows an entry door with a multi-point lock system, with a diagram of the locking system to illustrate how this system secures your entry door.

Multi-Point Lock System-The upgrade you shouldn’t close the door on.

When you think about a door lock, the first word that comes to mind is security. Of course, there is an understanding of the differences between various types of door locks. How does it look, how does it hold up, and does it provide the level of security you want? What are Multi-Point Lock Systems (MPLS)* & what are the various benefits & highlights of having one installed with your home’s entry door?

Now, before we talk locks & safety- what about curb appeal? It seems if you want the security- you forego the visual appeal you want or vice-versa! For instance, I have a door off of my sun porch that is not very good at keeping the cold- OUT. The door, now that I think about it, also is lackluster in appearance. (Realizing now that I really lost in both areas.) I, as a mother, need to feel I have found a door that provides safety while my son sleeps at night. I also want a door that locks in old-world charm. Trying to find both of these features has proved to be more difficult than you would imagine!

It goes without saying that in the Midwest, we expect bitter, unrelenting winter winds that quiver through the walls & rattle the doors. Surely, not one of us enjoys a nice jet stream of frigid air finding its way in under our door. Surely! We are Wisconsinites! We are built tough! We are made for the cold. Our doors should be built this way too. So- we made sure to cover all of these bases & leave no doorknob unturned. J But really- we have considered that aesthetics play a major factor in door shopping for your home, as well as efficiency & the level of security it provides.

What if I told you not only can Weather Tight give you an a-door-able entry door, :) but we can give you the security you need to soundly rest at night? Leaving those wintry gusts of wind outside where they belong! Well, I am telling you that! We here at Weather Tight make it our business to allow you the freedom to shop for all of the above while offering you that peace of mind on energy efficiency & safety while still ensuring you get the stunning style you deserve!

Our entry doors come standard with customizable features that are engineered to provide the best durability & reliability throughout the years. The “Multi-Point Lock System”  has been gaining popularity in this market over the years. The Multi-Point Lock System, also known as the MPLS, has been slightly modified & adjusted to be convenient & easy to use. An additional upgrade that is guaranteed for maximum efficiency & gridlock safety on your entry door & a little birdie told me to tell you it’s FREE! The lock upgrade- not the bird… :)

Our  Multi-Point Locking System- is currently being offered as a FREE UPGRADE with the purchase of an entry door. This upgrade is one that should be taken advantage of, here’s why!

  • MPLS engages the door frame at 3 critical points, enhancing security & stability.
  • MPLS provides increased engagement which assists with maintaining the entryway’s alignment & seal over time
  • MPLS has integrated mishandling devices – preventing damage to the door & its frame
  • MPLS features premium stainless steel construction that resists corrosion- providing longevity in your door choice & home’s appearance

Safety- Check! Stability- Check! Weather Tight seal- Check! Durability- Check! Functionality- Check!

Last but not least- Style- CHECK! This door is doing a lot of work for you! Not the other way around!

The MPLS offers maximum stability throughout the entry door. When the MPLS is engaged – it locks into 3 points on the door- top, middle & bottom. The mechanical system is designed to allow the distribution of pressure across the door rather than at only one point. The MPLS is especially advantageous for taller doors such as French Patio doors & custom-made exterior doors. Our MPLS is designed to sustain the life of the door slab by offering a more secure & weather-resistant seal.

Safety is always a great concern, especially the safety and security of our home. Most companies will charge a hefty amount for this added security feature, but right now, we offer this upgrade at no extra cost!

To find out how you can take advantage of this offer today,  call us at 414.459.3888 or visit us at to schedule an appointment with one of our qualified sales representatives today!