When is the Best Time to Replace Siding on Your Home?

As you start to get your home ready for the winter, do you notice that your siding is looking less-than-beautiful? Maybe you see some dents, dings, or areas where the old aluminum siding has come loose. Perhaps there are cracks. If your house is painted wood, you may notice peeling, bubbling, or dull areas—even mildewed boards.

Like most Wisconsin homeowners, you probably think, “Well, I guess I’ll have to address my exterior finish problems in the spring…”

If you’re waiting for the best time to replace siding on your home, don’t put it off!

You may be surprised to learn that Weather Tight offers siding replacement year-round! Learn all about siding replacement in the winter from Tod & Todd.


When Is It Time to Replace Siding?

If you’re starting to notice cosmetic issues with your siding, then right now is the best time to replace siding on your home. Weather Tight works year-round to ensure your home always looks great and feels comfortable.

If you’re on the fence about new siding, consider what you may be losing right now in terms of efficiency and comfort. Our vinyl siding is backed with a special insulation board. Not only does the insulation board make the siding stronger and impact-resistant, but it provides another layer of protection from cold weather.

In the winter months, we often notice drafty areas that weren’t a problem in the summer months. Maybe there’s a spot in your house where you feel air coming in. Or perhaps your heating bill has increased, and you notice you need to wear layers indoors. You keep turning up the thermostat, but your house still feels cold.

Homeowners also notice creepy crawly creatures that move indoors during colder months. Damaged siding can lead to bird nests, beehives, and rodent infestations. It’s not something anyone wants to think about, but if you notice signs that pests are getting in, it’s time to consider replacing your exterior finish.

Homeowners are often shocked at the considerable difference that new, beautiful vinyl siding can make on their house’s temperature stability and security. Don’t suffer through the season with an exterior finish that causes you stress.

Even though you may think that winter isn’t the time for home improvements, siding is an excellent exterior home improvement option that can start to pay for itself right away! Imagine a warmer winter with no cold floors and no chilly air leaking indoors.

Start Your Spring Home Improvements Now!

Image shows a grey home with white trim and black shutters and a grey, shingle roof

Spring may seem far away right now, but it will be here before we know it. If your spring to-do list includes scraping and painting the exterior of your home, it’s time to shorten the list!

Many older homes feature wood exterior finishes. While these are beautiful, they can be tough to maintain. Paint starts to peel, chip, and look shabby, even after just a season. Slivers end up in tiny hands, and you find yourself risking life and limb on a ladder as you attempt to paint.

If your wooden siding is waterlogged, painting can become a futile job. The swollen wood won’t hold paint, and it seems like an ongoing project that never looks right.

Adding to the issue are all the concerns that lurk beneath that wooden siding! Take the painting project off your to-do list, improve your curb appeal, and add to your home’s value with new vinyl siding.

The Siding Replacement Process

When you call Weather Tight, we’ll schedule an assessment. Our product experts will work with you to decide on the best siding option for your home. We’ll consider your budget, your needs, style, and your vision for the finish. We’ll walk you through all the options, answer any questions, and help you throughout the process. We’ll take a look at your current exterior finish and help identify any potential concerns. We’ll also take measurements to ensure you get exactly the right amount of siding for your house.

We do siding replacement all year long. Unless we’re in the middle of a blizzard or extreme weather situation, our crew works every month of the year. Because the project addresses your home’s exterior, there’s no need to worry about planning around cold weather. You’ll be safe and warm inside your home while we work.

When we do a siding replacement, we take off the old finish and get underneath. This process helps us identify any issues you may have like mold, rot, or pest infestations. By removing the previous finish, we start with a blank slate and fresh surface for your new siding.

Once your house is cleared of the old finish, we put down a state-of-the-art Tyvek house wrap. Tyvek is a protective one-way material that allows vapor and moisture to get out but keeps the wet, cold weather from getting inside your house. The barrier adds extra insulation and protection to your home.

We tape off the seams and ensure the house is securely covered. Then our crew gets to work installing vinyl siding. Our siding is backed with a special insulation board for an additional layer of protection.

Better still, vinyl siding is easily customized, so you can get the look you want. The color is built into the vinyl material, preventing fading from the sun and weather. Siding is available in an array of colors to get the perfect look you’ll love. Choose trim to add the perfect finish and get the right look for your home.

While many homeowners think of siding in the spring, there’s no best time for siding replacement. Whenever your home needs improvement, we’re happy to help. If you’re waiting for warm weather to replace your siding, consider giving us a call today.